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SRX13506901: 16S rRNA from soybean nodule
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina MiSeq) run: 110,019 spots, 55.2M bases, 29.6Mb downloads

Design: DNA was extracted with the DNeasy PowerSoil DNA kit
Submitted by: VIB
Study: indigenous (Belgian) rhizobia and associated bacteria Genome sequencing
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We identified indigenous (Belgian) rhizobia that can nodulate locally adapted early-maturing soybean cultivars. By means of isolation techniques combined with 16S rRNA PCR, 16S metabarcoding studies and ONT sequencing, we not only revealed the bacterial nodule diversity but also identified the most abundantly nodule-residing rhizobial strain. The nodulation efficiency of a selection of these rhizobia was tested and confirmed in the laboratory. These rhizobia may have the potential to be used as inoculants on fields to improve the local soybean productivity in Northwestern Europe.
SAMN24386555 • SRS11401405 • All experiments • All runs
Name: Tuin-shouna-4-3_S43
Instrument: Illumina MiSeq
Strategy: AMPLICON
Selection: PCR
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 110,019 spots, 55.2M bases, 29.6Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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